Featured Resources
New Community Advisory Board Opportunity
Beginning in 2024, PICCK is partnering with the Massachusetts Department of Public Health (MDPH) and the Massachusetts Sexual and Reproductive Health Training Center (MASRHTC) to convene a new Community Advisory Board (CAB) to provide guidance and support to MDPH and the MASRHTC. Participating in the CAB is an incredible opportunity to influences choices about reproductive health in Massachusetts, and CAB members will be able to decide which projects and issues they’d like to weigh in on. Participation will be online via Zoom meetings, surveys, and special projects. CAB members will be compensated at $50/hour and have the opportunity to engage 1-4 hours per month. To learn more about participating in our CAB, visit our Community Advisory Board page or click the button below!
Statement on Dobbs v. Jackson
Partners in Contraceptive Choice and Knowledge (PICCK) believes that abortion is and always will be a human right. Every person has a right to comprehensive family planning services, including deciding if and when to parent. We believe that abortion is health care and a vital component to family planning.
We are deeply concerned about the implications of the Dobbs v. Jackson Women’s Health Organization opinion for access to all reproductive health care, including contraception. Our role as providers is, and will always be, to support patients in achieving their contraceptive needs and pregnancy desires. As we live and work within this new reality, we are committed to patient autonomy and remaining patient-centered. We encourage providers to continue counseling on the full range of methods and centering patients’ preferences and values.
Despite our fears about the uncertainty of this moment, we are here to support providers and patients with education and resources. Below are some resources that PICCK has created that may be helpful. As always, our peer organizations continue to produce helpful resources on these topics.
- The Critical Role of Contraceptive Providers in Pregnancy Options Counseling and Abortion Referrals Enduring Webinar *Note: This webinar was recorded in March 2022. Much of the information about abortion referrals remains relevant, however depending on your state regulations there may now be limitations on your practice.
- Self-Managed Medication Abortion Live Webinar on November 16, 2022 at 12:00PM ET with Liza Fuentes, DrPH
- Keynote Address: Contraception Innovations Today and On the Horizon: Research, Partnership, Advocacy and Organizing to Advance Sexual and Reproductive Health, Rights, and Justice at PICCK’s Third Annual Meeting on September 17, 2022
- Contraception Decision Aid (available in English and Spanish) and Method Information Sheets
- Emergency Contraception Resources
AMA Ed Hub Collaboration
PICCK is now a featured content provider on the AMA Ed Hub™ — the American Medical Association’s online learning platform. By featuring high-quality education from trusted sources, the site helps physicians and other medical professionals stay current and improve the care they provide. Our first course, Choosing the Right Emergency Contraception With Your Patient, is available on the AMA Ed Hub for CME and CNE credit. You can view the course by clicking the button below.

To promote excellence and equity in contraceptive care through provider education and practice transformation.
Check out this video for an overview of the PICCK program!
PICCK is in the fifth and final year of our grant. We are happy to share with you all we have accomplished since our program began in 2018!